When you study Kanji you need to be fully prepared on your eyes. Reading kanji is not easy and puts a lot of strain on your eyes. Strain in reading kanji on a computer screen, strain trying to make out the meaning by absorbing and dissecting its components, strain as you look and let your brain spins like a bank vault lock as the combinations of on, kun, radical, meaning, links and usage all fall into place. To help your eyes when you study kanji for the N3 JLPT we recommend that as part of your essential tool library or toolbox for the N3 JLPT that you invest in a good magnifying glass. Why you might ask? Well after you study 3, 4, or 5 hours a day getting all those kanji into your head, you will be looking at a range of kanji of various shapes, sizes and fonts from a range of different sources. Computer screens, books, magazines, newspapers, dictionaries, etc. To ensure you get the full impact of a kanji and to stop strain on your full on study days. Plus the fact that many Japanese kanji dictionaries print the kanji so small you can hardly see them. So a magnifying glass is an excellent investment for your study, your eyes, your health and your success!
Picture : Studying kanji for the N3JLPT
Essential tool for N3 JLPT study -
A magnifying glass