How to master kanji for the N3 JLPT - Using a Form index
Kanji is the major component of the N3 JLPT, so it pays to invest your time wisely in how to learn as many kanji as you can. The more you know the safer you are in the test. Even though the test guide says know GRade 1 to 4 level kanji we would go further and say know Grade 1 to Grade 6 level kanji. The test is only once a year and you don't want to be in that test in December left scratching your head when you see kanji and vocabulary you have never seen before. Remember most Japanese children already know Japanese before they get to school, their parents invest time & money getting them ready for school. We have to take the same approach. We have to know more than we need for the test so we can ensure that we pass, it is that simple.
A lot of good self - study Japanese books will have a form index, these allow you to look up kanji easily.
To use a form index you need to focus on the radical an integral part to kanji
Kanji in Context - A book we have reviewed earlier is such a book
How to master kanji for the N3 JLPT - Using a Form index
Kanji is the major component of the N3 JLPT, so it pays to invest your time wisely in how to learn as many kanji as you can. The more you know the safer you are in the test. Even though the test guide says know GRade 1 to 4 level kanji we would go further and say know Grade 1 to Grade 6 level kanji. The test is only once a year and you don't want to be in that test in December left scratching your head when you see kanji and vocabulary you have never seen before. Remember most Japanese children already know Japanese before they get to school, their parents invest time & money getting them ready for school. We have to take the same approach. We have to know more than we need for the test so we can ensure that we pass, it is that simple.
A lot of good self - study Japanese books will have a form index, these allow you to look up kanji easily.
To use a form index you need to focus on the radical an integral part to kanji
Kanji in Context - A book we have reviewed earlier is such a book
The key to the N3 JLPT are kanji. The more you know, the more you can read, the more vocabulary you can understand and the better you can read and the easier the test becomes