Wednesday, February 8, 2012

#n3jlpt Grade 4 Kanji - Shape & Meaning Video here

When you begin to learn kanji for the n3jlpt test you should start by getting familiar with the shape and meaning before trying to memorize the on or kun reading. Remember kanji have many layers and to truly master them you have to start at the basics and work your way up, you can't rush or jump steps, we wish you could, but, unfortunately you can't. It is a step by step process that takes time. Best advice is to start early and not procrastinate. 

Today, please find the video for Grade 4 Kanji - Grade 4 refers to what Japanese children learn at school. We have put the basic shape & meaning together for you, so you can start to get familiar before starting on & kun. Take it slow, watch, memorize. On second viewing write down hard ones, third watching try to write the ones you can remember, watch it over and over until they slowly sink in. It is the only way, repetition is your friend not your enemy with kanji.

Resource - To help you 

Kanji in Context - Reference Book 

Full review here

Master your demons with Kanji in Context